Morro Bay Trip

September 15-17, 2017

7th & 8th Grade Family Trip for current Science Magnet Students and their families.

You'll be able to meet other Magnet families, while your 7th/8th grade student can earn up to two seminar credits. Students camp with their families and with other JAMS families while teachers provide instruction and group meeting places. You are responsible for providing your own tent/food/lodging, and for transporting/supervising your children. 


All parents and students who are planning to attend the Morro Bay camping trip must fill out the following forms.  This trip is only for students who are currently enrolled in 7th and 8th grade magnet classes (and their siblings). 

For all adults who are/want to bring a family to Morro Bay:

Student Morro Bay Information 2017-2018


Derek is the creative director at ISM [iz-uh m], a creative services agency based in Santa Monica, CA.